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Registration Resources


Please find below the links to the course listings and schedule for the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters, as well as a preliminary list of courses available from other University Schools and Departments (accessible via your UNI).


Fall 2024

Fall 2024 Course Listings

Fall 2024 Course Schedule

Fall 2024 Course Directory


Summer 2024

Summer 2024 Course Listing

Summer 2024 Course Schedule

Summer 2024 Course Directory


Spring 2024

Spring 2024 Course Listings

Spring 2024 Course Schedule

Spring 2024 Directory of Classes


Fall 2023

Fall 2023 Course Listings

Fall 2023 Course Schedule

Fall 2023 Directory of Classes


Spring 2023

Spring 2023 Course Listings

Spring 2023 Course Schedule

Spring 2023 Directory of Classes



All Approved Course Listings


More courses will be added to this list as they are announced and made available for cross-registration by other University schools and departments.  More information regarding cross-registration and a timeline for when to expect those announcements are included below. 


Instructions for using Student Services Online (SSOL) to register for courses can be found below.  Your registration appointments are also listed in SSOL.  You will have the opportunity to change your schedule throughout the regular registration and Add/Drop periods.  When selecting your courses, please ensure that the courses you are selecting satisfy your remaining degree requirements by using your audit in Stellic.  Please refer to the Directory of Classes for Call #s and course details.




There are two versions of degree audit forms for the Sustainability Science Program.  Students whose first term in the Sustainability Science Program was prior to Spring 2020 should continue using the document titled “Sustainability Science Degree Audit Form A.”  Students whose first term in the Sustainability Science Program was Spring 2020 and beyond should use the document titled “Sustainability Science Degree Form B.”  The only difference in these forms is with regards to the program’s new course offering and requirement, SUSC PS5060 Statistics, Data Analysis, and Coding for Sustainability Science, launched in Spring 2020.  This course is open to ALL Sustainability Science students and can count towards Area 2 or Area 3 regardless of when you matriculated in the program.  Students enrolling from Spring 2020 and beyond in the Sustainability Science Program are required to complete the course towards Area 2 or Area 3.  Please reach out to the program office if you have any questions.


Sustainability Science Degree Audit Form A

Sustainability Science Degree Audit Form B




  • Log in to SSOL using your UNI and password at

  • Check your registration appointment times are under “Reg Appts & PIN”.  You may only register during your assigned registration appointment times, which are available on SSOL.

  • Select Registration from the Menu.

  • Click Add to include courses on your schedule, providing the 5-digit call number. The  5-digit call number can be found in the Directory of Classes

  • If you have successfully registered yourself for a course, you will see the following message: “Adding SUSC K1111 S001 was successful. The change is effective immediately. See the new schedule below.”

  • If you have not been successfully registered for a course, please follow the instructions provided by the error message OR select another course. Possible sources of error messages include, adding courses for which you do not have Instructor or Department permission to register, selecting two courses that meet at the same time, selecting a course that is full, or attempting to register for more than 18 credits per semester.




As you are registering for class in SSOL, if it is full, you can add yourself to the wait list in SSOL (instructions here). As seats in the course become available, you will be notified in SSOL to complete your registration. Enrollment in courses can fluctuate by up to 30% during the registration and Add/Drop periods. If you are currently on the waitlist for a course, you can attend the first class session pending seat availability. 





For SUSC students:


School of International and Public Affairs (via SSOL)

When SIPA announces the classes available for cross-registration for each semester, they will be posted here.  Courses pre-approved for SUSC will be included in the course listing document and assigned to curriculum areas.  We do not yet know which courses are likely to be made available or when course announcements will be posted to by SIPA, but we expect that they will begin in early January with additional courses added through the start of the term.  You can check here for updates.  


If you cannot register for a SIPA course directly in SSOL, please please obtain instructor approval and submit the cross-registration form here.  SIPA is very strict about which courses students can take, so please do not expect to be able to take classes that are not already available in SSOL.


Columbia Business School

The Columbia Business School (CBS) does not use SSOL. CBS cross-registration instructions will be posted to the cross-registration page when they are announced. Please check the cross-registration page regularly for updates.


Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (via SSOL)

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences does not have a formal cross-registration procedure.  The approved courses are included in the course listing document and are available for cross-registration in SSOL.  If a course is listed as not open to your school or requires you to satisfy a prerequisite, you can register via Registration Adjustment Form with instructor approval by email to the Registrar’s Office at


Fu Foundation Graduate School of Engineering (via SSOL)

The Fu Foundation Graduate School of Engineering does not have a formal cross-registration procedure.  The approved courses are included in the course listing document, and are available for cross-registration in SSOL.  If a course is listed as not open to your school or requires you to satisfy a prerequisite, you can register via Registration Adjustment Form with instructor approval by email to the Registrar’s Office at


Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation

When GSAPP announces the classes available for cross-registration for each semester, they will be posted here.  Students may only cross-register for GSAPP classes during the add/drop period, and you must obtain permission from the GSAPP office of student affairs; the cross-registration instructions are available here.


Columbia Law School

The Columbia Law School does not use SSOL and does not permit auditing.  Complete details regarding cross-registering for courses at Columbia Law School can be found here.  The Law School only offers a small number of seats in its classes each semester towards the end of add/drop.  You must submit an application, along with an email from the instructor that they will admit you into the class if permitted by the Law School, within the 24-hour window announced on their website. 


Only full-time MS students are permitted to cross-register for these courses - you must be registered for at least four classes at the time of your application, even if you plan for this class to be your fourth class; the Law School will deny your application if you are not registered for four classes.  This rule has been established by Columbia Law School, and there are no exceptions.  


The MS program does not generate a list of pre-approved courses from Columbia Law School.  If you are interested in taking a Columbia Law School course, please email the program office directly for approval.  Please include the full course title, description, and proposed curriculum area.  If you are admitted into the class, you must follow up with the program office to formally enroll via a Registration Adjustment Form.


Mailman School of Public Health

The MS and Certification programs do not generate a list of pre-approved courses from the Mailman School of Public Health.  You can view Mailman cross-registration procedures here.  If you are interested in taking a Mailman School of Public Health course, please email me directly for approval; please include the full course title, description and proposed curriculum area.  You will also need to obtain approval from Mailman via the cross-registration form.  Once you have received all signatures on your Mailman cross-registration form, you can register via Registration Adjustment Form with instructor approval by email to the Registrar’s Office at


For Non-SUSC Students:


Cross registration for graduate students will begin at the start of each semester.  The majority of our courses will open to cross-registration in SSOL, with the exception of courses designated "SUSC only" in the Directory of Classes.  Graduate students unable to register via SSOL should obtain instructor permission and complete a Registration Adjustment Form to register.


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